Hello, I would like to do a report back as of where we are.

On the subject of math acceleration, they decided to let him do independent study at his current school during math period. He got a 6th grade math text book. Every day, page numbers of daily topic and homework assignment are emailed over to school from a 6th grade volunteering math teacher. He finishes his homework and the school GT coordinator faxes it back to the math teacher. For the extra time he has during the math period, he gets to do EPGY. The math teacher visits him once a week. After couple visits he decided to help him cover the "gap" areas of 7th grade math (based on his acceleration assessment results) with the 7th grade math text book instead of ending the school year finishing up the regular 6th grade math curriculum. DS loves the interaction that he has with the math teacher. (I totally can feel the love of DS from that teacher after my meeting yesterday -- later).

Several weeks ago, while I was expecting more testing for his grade acceleration assessment, we were just informed of the decision that he would be accelerated to 6th (middle school in our SD) next year, as the WIAT-II results I shared with the school were accepted. The school GT coordinator and I actually had discussed about IAS during my request. I even got a copy through inter-library loan. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. I went back for a meeting to discuss the process that they had gone through, and talked about concerns that I might have, and "signed on the dotted line". DS has been excited, to say the least ...

So yesterday was my transition meeting at the middle school, called upon by the current school GT coordinator. From the middle school principal and GT coodinator, it is a "no-brainer" to have the current math teacher as his home room teacher in the fall. The math teacher was genuinely happy to hear that at the meeting, even though DS will not do math with him then. DS will also be placed with 7th grade accelerated math, which is going to be algebra I, just as I have envisioned. Because the middle school is not our neighborhood one (2mile vs 4mile) to make busing possible, they even worked out an after-school care alternative at my request. I think his writing will be where he should be; while he can still be ahead in other subjects, he and I both agree that he should see how his 6th grade experience goes, especially with the connection now that he has established with that teacher. And the teacher teaches chess; DS is in desperate need of a chess coach.

Things are looking positive for us. I also know we will need to assess how his needs are being matched periodically. Two things I definitely will carry on from this experience are (1)speak up with gut feelings (2)keep the communication going with information and/or data. It is never too late for advocacy, OTOH, it also begs for perseverance of finding doors that let you in (teachers/administrators that understand the needs of the kid). I know it is still an adventure down the road, but I feel excited about it, and I can look at my past agonies with a smile. We are all here for a ride (of some sort) .

Last edited by MNTCMom; 04/15/10 08:40 PM.