Can you explain what highly g rated means?
Some tests are said to be more "g" loaded -- as in they do a better job of hitting on those things that are truly related to innate intelligence. For instance, on the Weschler IQ tests, two of the four subtests can be dropped (working memory and processing speed) if they are significantly lower than the other two (perceptual reasoning and verbal) b/c the later two are considered to be more closely correlated with intelligence. The prior two do play a part in intelligence or they wouldn't be included at all, of course, and a child who is high in all four will likely look quite different from a child who is just high in the later two.
The Raven is most similar to the perceptual reasoning part of the Weschler children's IQ test. Like the pp said, it does not hit on the verbal parts, but it is still a good indicator that she is quite, quite bright.
Someone else might have an even more accurate or coherent response regarding "g."