DD's B's are rarely from lack of mastery or even poor teaching in and of itself. After copious repetition of the same skill, she tunes out and makes careless errors. This is a problem in math and reading, both of which are classes that have heavy teach-to-the-state-test components. Another problem is that these copious, repetitive assignments are worksheets that have only 6-8 state test style problems on a page. Perfection is required to make an A. The only "A" is 100% correct.

For perspective, compare her SAT10 percentiles of 99 and 94 in reading and math respectively, and her "A" average in above grade level EPGY math.

She's so fed up with school that I predict dead-average results on the state tests.

DD12, 7th. Dx'd ADHD/GAD. No IQ test. EXPLORE & SAT just miss DYS but suspect HG+