My 10 yo recently took the WISC-IV and the Woodcock Johnson. Her WJ scores were great, and I think a good indicator of her ability. Definitely DYS qualifying scores!

Her WISC results were, well, weird. I have never seen someone hit a ceiling and yet still get such a low subtest score. The tester said it was because she answered the easy questions wrong and the hard questions correct. Does anyone have any thoughts on making heads or tails on this?

Also, is it common for a child to have much higher scores on an achievement test than they do on an IQ test?


These are her scores:

Similarities - 17 (ceiling)
Vocabulary - 17
Comprehension - 16 (ceiling)
Information - 16 (ceiling)
Word Reasoning - 13 (ceiling)

VCI - 140

Block Design - 10 (ceiling)
Picture Concepts - 13
Matrix Reasoning - 11
Picture Completion - 11 (ceiling)

PRI - 108

Digit Span - 9
Letter-Number - 11
Arithmetic - 15

WMI - 99

Coding - 13
Symbol Search - 10
Cancellation - 10

PSI - 109

FSIQ - 120, GAI - 128