My DS9 (10 soon) has skipped two grades: he skipped third and fifth and is now in sixth, with extra acceleration in a couple subjects. I don't know his IQ, but I think he'd probably be in the range you're talking about with your daughter.

Academically, it's been wonderful. He finally has meaningful work, and even has to think hard about stuff sometimes. This wasn't the case in 4th grade last year. Things were still too easy.

Socially, it's also been fine, but he goes to a very small school and he's also got very good social skills. It sounds like your daughter does too, from your quick description. He seems to get along with kids of pretty much all ages.

Our daughter skipped K and is doing a mixture of 1st, 2nd and higher stuff. I expect she has another skip coming in the next couple years. Her social experiences seem to be what I'd call normal: she argues with some kids and gets along famously with some kids, and sometimes there's crossover between those two groups.

As for high school, our plan is to let our kids finish at 16 and then have two years to explore what interests them. I can't read the future, but I don't anticipate more grade skips. The eldest attends a combined middle/high school, and a lot of the subjects are actually a year ahead. For example, the 6th grade uses a 7th grade vocabulary book and the kids are reading [i]The Odyssey[\i].

We have a lot of community colleges around here, plus our kids will be able to get part time jobs and participate in internships. Adult life can be so rushed --- we want to give them two years where they'll have a lot of freedom to explore.

Hope that helps; PM me if you want more information.



As for high school
Our plan is to let our kids