So as not to hijack another thread, I thought I'd move Grinity's quote over here and hopefully add to her helpful list.

Originally Posted by Grinity
The interesting thing about school for the gifted is that two kids who are equally gifted can have completely different experiences at the same school.

I've found that the some key things that makes a school work for my family are:

1) The school understands LOG, level of Giftedness.
2) The school understands, and has options for, kids with 'spikey profiles' that is a wide variation between their strengths and weaknesses, even if the weakness are still above average.
3) Flexibility

I, too, will be school-shopping soon (though not necessarily buying...), and since it's my first time to do so, I would love to know what to watch for and what to watch OUT for!

What are the key things that make a school work for you and your kids?

Thanks, all! laugh
