oh and...I went in to Mite's teacher today to find out where all his reading and language arts projects and papers were. They never come home. She said he's supposed to clear out his desk and his cubby at the end of the day (helllllllllllloooooooooooo....DYSPRAXIA!!!) and it was his respsonbility to do that.

Then while going through his desk I found a Venn Diagram with his characteristic illegible scrawl all over it. I asked if he had been offered a scribe to do that work. The teacher said she coud decipher what he was writing and that was all that mattered. She did say he needed to write inside the lines and he would be docked points for not doing so (aiyeeee). She also said she had no time to worry about whether he had a scribe or not and no time to scribe it herself.

So...he has an illegible Venn Diagram from which he is supposed to write a paragraph about how the animal he was observing shares characteristics with a lobster.

A scribe is on his IEP. I mentioned that and the teacher said we'll just have to discuss what that means at the next IEP meeting. He is also supposed to have assistance in getting his things into his portfolio in the appropriate pockets for taking home. Neither thing is happening.

you know...this crap is just unbearable. I just seethe. I don't scream and cuss but I'm wondering if I'm going to have to adopt those behaviors.

Willa Gayle