Originally Posted by chenchuan
How far away are you willing to send your son away? You are already considering out of state, why stop there? Boston area has quite a few top private/boarding schools. Phillips Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy are among the well-known ones. These schools send more than their fair share of students to top colleges.

My first thought was about those 'top ten'type boarding schools, but I've heard that PG kids don't nescessarily feel like they fit in socially, and I've also heard that they are more for the kids with excellently tuned up organizational skills that can 'hit the ground running.'

I spoke to the admissions direction, and described my DS13 as a 'work in progress' on the study skills/stamina front. He patiently explained to me that the brightest kids don't have an opportunity to develop study skills in their neighborhood skills because they get used to coasting on their intelligence. He said that yes they get many kids who fit that description and who develop their skills over the years at the school until they are quite strong.

I restrained myself from giggling, but it was exactly what I wanted to hear.

We also talked some about the level of pressure applied to kids of this age group. I used to envy the kids who attended my college and felt that it was 'so much easier' than High School. Now I think about them as 'not having a chance to develop all of themselves.' I'd ideally like a school that provides tons of intellectual delights, and looks for enough product so that a top tier college is 'a little bit harder, but not overwhelming.'

That's what I'm looking for!


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