Meeting went surprizingly well. We are putting him on an IEP for OHI( other health impaired) for the tourettes. Most of the things we are doing are to accomedate difficulties in writing. I will be getting him a laptop to use and he will have a scribe for any extended answers or written task. All of the people who tested him talked about what a hard worker he was and how pleasant to work with. The teachers ( who I don't like) kept commenting on how they haven't seen that in the classroom. I wanted to say does anyone see a relationship in this, problems in the classroom and the adults who are there. We really didn't get into many gifted issues but if we can get through the reluctance with writing his skills may shine.
It was also funny in how the testers talked about how long it took to test him since he took almost all of the different test before he reached his ceiling. I was very impressed by the speech therapist who really went into the stutter issue as well as pragmatic language and writing. He knows it but doesn't use it.
I just felt vindicated in some ways that the two teachers don't get it but the other adults do. and they will be spending more time with him like speech and ot.