I'm interested in any comments to this article:


I've included some of the text below. I'm unfamiliar with the Sudbury Model, and I've only read about unschooling on this forum. I wonder about the fit of gifted kids in Sudbury schools.

"The graduates of the school have been followed and documented more fully than have those of any other school I know of.[1] If any school has been proven to work, in terms of producing happy, effective adult citizens, it is Sudbury Valley."

"The democratic decision-making and judicial system, and the continuous age mixing, promote a level of nurturance, care, and safety that is exceedingly rare in other schools."

"You would send your child to such a school only if you are a trustful parent."

"For many parents, who do not have the choice of a Sudbury school, homeschooling may be the only alternative to conventional schooling."

"The brand of homeschooling most compatible with trustful parenting is that often referred to by its adherents as unschooling--a term coined in the 1970s by John Holt, in his magazine Growing Without Schooling."