you may want to check out for more spelling challange or spelling list practice.

My kids know their words the first day so if they want to practice after that I like them to do spelling city for typing practice which is meaningful, or play the games which adds more value. This site also provides lists at different grades.

Here's DD7's, 1st Grade List for this week, Sled, snake, spill, slip, snap, spin, make, game, people, water. People is the hardest word yet for this year. The also have a spelling sentence on the end of week test: The people started to slip and spin as they played a game using water. Recently the teacher lets kids take a pretest on tuesday and if they pass 100% they only get a test on spelling sentences on Friday. I'm so happy about this. It's great the teacher is noticing she knows it already, rather than just telling everyone study everyday for the test. I think kids should study until they know it and then review the day before the test. I think kids need to learn when they are ready for the test.

I would like to have my kids learn more about roots of words to expand rather jump ahead with more vocabulary. If anyone has some advice on this please let me know.

I think since my kids are big readers they are naturally moving forward with their vocabulary and spelling. My daughter, unprompted let me know this last night. I said, Did your teacher tell you this? No, I just figured it out.