We struggle with this on an almost daily basis. My DD has an AS diagnosis, both her and her sister have ADD or ADHD diagnosis. Then you take them and put them with adults or older children who are closer to being intellectual peers and everyone talks about how well adjusted they are and about the conversations they have. All the while my older DD goes to the public school twice a week to see the social worker and speech therapist to work on "social skills". I think they just think differently and see the world differently. My older DD is definately "different" but she is probably the smartest of the bunch. She is doing amazingly well now with her GT online class, so what has changed? Is she just maturing socially, or was it a matter of peers? I've given up trying to understand all the labels and just treat the needs of the child. I was astounded to learn how many kids in our PS are "diagnosed" with ADHD. I am seriously wondering if some of us is a result of the educational system and changing our views as a society. I won't get started there. Sadly there are children who really struggle with these issues and it's becoming to common to really distinguish.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader