*laughs* Loved your post, sounds like my son too! I wish he had a friend like your daughter. DS had his 6 year old cousin over the other day and DS was so excited to show him all his chemistry things he got for Christmas. "Do you want to see me beakers and flasks and my test tubes?!" He runs around collecting them and puts on his "lab coat" (a white dress shirt my husband gave him), telling his cousin all about his experiments and how they should do experiments together etc. while his cousin completely ignored everything he was saying and doing, and played with my sons toys. I had to take DS aside, because he was getting frustrated with his cousins lack of interest, or even response. I said "Hey, I'm sorry but, everyone isn't as excited about chemistry and science as you are. When you have a friend over, sometimes you have to do what they like." He looked at me confused and seemed not to be able to comprehend that anyone wouldn't love all this stuff. I reminded him of Franny and how the kids in her class didn't understand Franny either. He seemed to understand better with that explaination.
His cousin is in the habit of ignoring DS though. DS talks so much, and about stuff he doesn't care about so he's almost programmed on ignore a lot of the time with DS. The weird thing is DS really loves to be with him.

Thanks also ColinsMum,
We'll have to check out the particle physics when we get our internet back. I have to borrow internet (that's why I took so long to reply, that and I homeschool DS)

I reserved the Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science, since my library didn't have the chemistry one, but it looks like it has some chemistry too. We'll have to put the chemistry one on his Amazon wishlist.
: )