Originally Posted by quaz
Cogat is never the 'best' test.
It is possible for a child not to do well, and still be gifted.
It is all possible for a child not to do well, and not be gifted.

I think the only way you would get a better feel for this is through an individual IQ test. Did the past psychologists administer an IQ test?

The big question isn't whether he is gifted or not, but if school is challenging him or not. What does he need that he is not getting from school, and how can you work to get that?

He needs a more flexible education that allows him to further his learning if he finishes way before the other children. He needs to be engaged and he desperately wants to learn a foreign language. He keeps asking his Aunt to teach him Thai but she isn't around enough to do it.

I have no idea how to achieve this as obviously the school has different ideas.