My oldest, who is also very verbal, scored in the 98th percentile for VCI. The 96th percentile is a good solid score and I would expect a child with a score in that range to be performing highly in verbal/reading areas assuming interest in that area. My youngest scored in the 99.7th on VCI at 7 and the 99th on the same subtest at 8. She doesn't like reading, so that hasn't been nearly as strong of an area for her as it has been for her sister. It seems to require a combo of interest & a certain level of ability.

In terms of PRI, my oldest also had a 19 on matrix reasoning, something around a 16 or 17 on picture concepts, and an 8 on block design! For her, the much lower block design was related to slower processing speed (it is a timed test) and anxiety related being pressed to work fast. She completely refused to complete the test when the tester kept telling her to work faster. How was your dd's PSI (processing speed index)? That might give you some clues into whether speed issues or perfectionism are the cause of the lower block design score.