Originally Posted by Baseballmom
My sons grade was not one celebrated. Later she puuled him aside and told him he received a A+ but felt he cheated. My son was devastated. She accused him because he has been a c student since the year began and there was no way he could of received a A.

I'm wondering how much Racism is playing a role in all of this?

Of course this particular teacher might be a 'just mean' to everyone, and she certianly seems to be encouraging competition by putting the top scorers in front of the class. There is no reason that doing well in school should have to go with being socially isolated, but I think that there is a careful line to walk between healthy and unhealthy competition.

Does your son's middle school have heterogeneous classes or are they ability grouped? If this is his first experience with ability grouping then it's possible that that accounts for the lower grades...but I doubt it. I think private testing would be a very good thing for your son and your family. Maybe you can get group rates? ((humor alert)) Sometimes local universities will do testing for less, but then you get less advice (sometimes.)

Most schools will do IQ and achievement testing if you write a letter stating that you are concerned that there is a learning disability. Sudden drop in grades is a classic sign of a twice exceptional kid who has been covering up a disability and suddently finds that as the expectaions rise, they can't cover up any more.

Do any of these ideas resonate?

Love and More Love,

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