Ok. Maybe I do have baggage!

Here are some things that happened to me--
When I was in 5th grade my parents had me placed in a 5th/6th combo class. It was supposed to be a self-paced class. Well, it was self-paced until I finished the 5th grade math book in just a couple of months. I wanted to continue on with the 6th grade book but the teacher refused. My parents went to talk to her and she told them she was not going to let me do the 6th grade math because it would make the 6th grade boys "feel bad." My dad was livid!
Or how about my Calculus teacher... I was 15, a junior in HS and taking Calculus. It was very easy for me and I scored 100's on everything and caught mistakes by the teacher (probably impolitic...) The teacher was always making comments about me "ruining the curve", etc. Anyway, on the midterm there was this impossibly long arithmetic problem (no calculator allowed) which was completely unrelated to Calculus. The teacher made an announcement to the class--"Don't worry about problem 20, I just put that on the test so that Cathy won't get 100% again."
After a few months of being mistreated by this teacher I went to the school counselor and complained about it. The counselor's response? "You're getting an 'A' aren't you? Well, then what are you complaining about?"
At the end of the year all the seniors got out of school a week early. Being a junior, I still had to go to class. The Calculus teacher, however, went to the teachers' lounge. I just sat in the classroom by myself for an hour every day that week.
So yeah, I have baggage! I'm still mad about it
