We are just getting there with my soon to be five year old. We have made a lot of progress in the last few months. I took all the pull ups away, didn't make a big deal, just you are old enough to wear underwear (gerber trainers). We didn't make a big deal out of accidents but refused to go back to pull ups. We also at the peds ok started him on a very small dose of Miralax so he "couldn't" get constipated by holding it. Over time we started having him change his pants, clean up the toilet, and finally him swishing the undies in the toilet. Then finally when he had skids in his undies he had to sit until he went, not as punishment, he had his leapster and v-tech and sisters running in and out with encouragement until he finally went. Now he has to sit once a day, always with something to do and try to go. He is slowly taking this over and has gone a few times on his own accord. It has been a long process. I am just glad I didn't follow the early ed. teacher who suggested punishment.