I was wondering if any veteran parents could give me some advice...

My son is 6 and is getting to be a chronic back-chatter. Every request from me is met with endless balking, negotiating and talking back. It's like having a mini teenager in the house. He always has a "better" idea than what I'm asking him to do. He uses precocious, "adult" arguments with me, like, "Why are you always bossing me around and telling me what to do? It's very rude!"

I try to let him have some control over some decisions so he doesn't feel too powerless, but some things are not negotiable (like how much TV he can watch, or when to get ready for school).

I am having difficulty taking the high ground and not just yelling at him, "You do it, because I said so!" smile He's much more outspoken with me than I would have ever dreamed of being with my parents.

Arrggh... any suggestions?