I showed the potential school principal my son's tests scores. He said that my DS see the world a different way. He's 2% of the population and related to some of his characteristics.

They do pretesting and the kids get to do something else if the get 95%. This seems too high but my son gets lots of 100% papers. I wished I ask which subjects they pretest.

They condense some of the work, especially Math. They supplement the Math with logic and puzzles.

Differentiation is done like this - Same lecture for all but then different work depending on the level of DC. They are willing to advance a student in whole grade or single grade accelloration. The Math teacher can teach to 12 grade hs. They had one student doing independent math on Hs level and the teacher made time to help her. They are currently allowing one student to do an online course in writing.

I asked about peers. He said there are about 4 or 5, 140 to 150 IQ kids. I wonder about this. Have they all been tested? Or does he think this from experience?

Last edited by onthegomom; 01/20/10 06:48 AM.