The info on the SAT10 and ITBS here is interesting to me b/c I am going to be helping a good friend of mine with testing her dd on one of these two soon. You need at least a BA and some testing coursework to administer the SAT10 and at least a BA to administer the ITBS. Df has neither, so I am the one! Her kiddo is homeschooled.

In her instance, I believe that getting relatively higher scores is desired b/c she needs them to submit to the district to prove that her dd is making adequate progress. I don't think that she wants artificially inflated scores, but whichever of these two might give higher results might be desirable for her purposes. The concern we have with the ITBS is that it is more tightly timed and her dd has some anxiety with timed tests. Any thoughts on those two tests beyond what has been posted already?