No doubt Dottie. In more than one break out session I was at, the speaker started by saying "There has never been a worse time in history to be a GT student at a public school in the U.S.". It made me want to run screaming from the room.

They had a scheduled homeschooling breakout session that was cancelled, much to my disappointment. That is still a plan B for us.

And maybe the novelty was just big for me! I'm still new to the world of GT and it made me definitely feel less alone. And it was affirming to see thousands of educators engaged in this pursuit. And it seemed like the parents I spoke to had kids HG or higher.

The most depressing part for me was the fact that our school (5 miles from conference with an alledged 30-40% identified GT population) did not send a single representative. However, the GT magnet we're trying to get into had about every teacher in the school there.