Originally Posted by Cricket2
My oldest had a 132 IQ on the WISC-IV at 7, which would indicate a moderately gifted child. She consistently performs like a HG+ type of kid although I don't have any indication that she is DYS eligible either. She's had a few scores on the cusp of DYS eligibility, but overall has not had anything that absolutely says she would qualify. We aren't pursuing DYS for her for that reason.

Like others have said, it is a snapshot of one day and some kids don't test as well as others.

I don't follow that sort of thing so closely as Dottie, so I would listen to her - but the science sounds tantalizing.

I am 'curious' about your daughter - Full Scale IQ really means nothing for some kids, and with the modern tests they really don't measure LOG very well, which is why YSP looks at subscales, not full scale. Do you mean subscale scores or subtest scores? How close to that cusp?

Your subject line is: I don't know what to do?

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