While waiting for my son to finish the SCAT, I met a mother whose 3rd grade son was also taking the SCAT, as well as another father there with his 4th grade daughter.

The boy is the same age as ours -- within days -- but because his school has a robust GT program, he's in a self-contained classroom with similarly bright 3rd graders. They are working, however, on 4th thru 6th grade material, based on individual student abilities. The girl attended the same school as this other boy, and like him, was the typical age for her grade, enrolled in a 4th grade GT classroom.

My son, in contrast, is in a regular 5th grade classroom (after a mid-year skip) because our district has no GT program to offer due to lack of funding.

The other boy registered with CTY as a 3rd grader, while my son (same age) had to register as a 4th grader (CTY looks at grade enrollment as of September).

Multiply this across the country and I don't see how the report can make any sense at all if they are comparing grade-level results.

Hocus-pocus, indeed.

Hopefully he will qualify for the summer program -- he looked through last year's course selection and saw a few items of interest.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz