We have very high motabolisms in our family. We typically eat every 2 hours here. My son loves, loves, loves fruit. But fruit converts to sugar and within 1 hour he is hungry again, trying to get back up to the high sugar level. So I always insist on cheese with fruit. Again we eat a lot during the day both complex carbs and protein.

I agree about the fats too. We eat a lot of almonds and EVOO. Their little brains need fat. We also eat tuna or walleye (courtesy of our retired neighbor who fishes year round and needs an excuse to keep the fish) at least twice a week. I really can tell a difference when we have not had fish for a while. I also started vitamins again since the days are so short (sunrise is at almost 8 am and sunset is before 5 pm here). So I upped the vitamin D even more. This week is going much better for all of us after I remembered to do that. smile