Hi, I'm the mom to a DYS kid and have a BA in Psych. I went back to school this fall to get my teaching cert/MA in Ed. I have wanted to teach for a long time and the issues with DS didn't make my decision but there was a thought of - hmm, I am really interested in kids and the different ways they learn. The Ed. classes I'm taking this semester are really interesting for all 3 of my kids & I'm learning a lot about teaching styles, public schools, etc.

It's sad/funny that in 2 classes - there is a lesson on exceptionalities. Gifted is just very briefly glossed over and rest of the time is spent on disabilities. Which definitely deserve discussion but it would have been nice to see a little perspective from both angles.

I guess I'm trying to say that if you are interested in education as a whole, it has really made me think & question a lot more than I knew before I started.