My som DP is now in Middle School. He recently has started having panic attacks. He has always been a G&T student, went through all the struggles of being singled out and bullied as an elementary student. During that time he also was so shy and withdrawn it was extremely hard for him...socially.
Now that he is in 8th grade he is finally out of his shell and seems to be doing so well. But he is having panic attacks over the minor things and it is physically taking a told on him. Passing out and vomitting! It is horrible.
The issue is we asked for help at school and at first the guidance counselor didn't know who he was "because he was an Honor's student". Almost like he should have any problems or wasn't allowed to because he is gifted.
Then this past week, on of his teachers accused me of pushing him too hard on his grades. She didn't seem to get the point.
DP (my son) doesn't panic about the grades at all, he panics about the little things like a forgotten book, or a broken pencil. It's like he thinks he needs to be prefect just because he is "smart".
Anyone else have these issues with their gifted child? I need some advice.
I think it is the expectation of perfection he panics about.