We had the testing done last year to look for issues related to ADHD like behaviors and anxiety. None of those were diagnosable, but she definitely has a tendency to be very anxious.

A child who is not used to being challenged can feel very frightened to suddenly not know all the answers. It's like having the rug pulled out from under them. They may choose to remain underchallenged rather than to risk being wrong. It's downright earth-shaking for some of them, rocking their reality.

This is definitely the first year that she has been pushed at all. They cover a lot of material and cover it fast. I actually think a better fit for her would be harder material covered more slowly, but that's not really what our GT program does. But the general ed classes were a disaster.

Our real issue this year is homework. She is in tears over it. She gets at least an hour and sometimes 2. Tonight was a wreck. I cut her off at 2 hours and she is very upset that she won't get it done. Well, the other issue is her teacher seriously does not get her. It's so frustrating and so sad.

Mom to DD9 and DD3