Originally Posted by Trinity
Hi LMom,
Welcome, glad you found us!
Is your son in school? How's it going?

Thanks for the welcome. My son is in K in Montessori, his 1st year there. I believe that it was a better choice than our public school but it's far from great. They use elementary material and he does at the very least 2nd grade math there but it's more practicing of what he can do than learning anything new. His LA could be much better than it is (they do 1st-2nd grade). They pretty much admit that they are not equipped to handle him and believe there must be something better for him. I sure could use DYS help.

We had him tested to be give his current school better idea where he is and also to look at different schools and see what they have to offer. It was a pleasant surprise that he got scores high enough to apply to DYS.

Originally Posted by crisc
Thanks for the words of advice regarding written math. My son prefers to do math in his head but when I need a few minutes alone I usually write a bunch of problem on a sheet of paper for him to solve. Not only has this helped him learn what the symbols mean it also helps him with his writing (which still included a backwards number 5).

It sounds like our home smile My son actually begs for math problems saying that he is too bored and has nothing to do. Your son sounds like he could do really well on the test. I think lots of gifted kids know the concepts but cannot do the calculations or whatever boring task is asked. My son's test didn't go as high as I think it would. I don't know exactly what they tested but I asked him if there were questions about such and such and he said no. I guess he ended up on some gaps in the for him easier levels.

To be honest I think it would be nice to get achievement test done once a year just to get an idea how he is doing but then I would probably obsess about the number even more than I do right now. It's amazing how quickly you move from "Wow, that's a great score." to "It makes me wonder why that score is lower than I expected."
