Originally Posted by CAMom
Originally Posted by shellymos
LOL, that is so annoying. And you gotta love the pictures too, you have to show your work. What is sad to me too is your DS's work seems actually more challenging than my DS's first grade assignments about what number comes next, and they are all numbers under 20. What number comes next in first grade?Really?

Well that's actually the 2nd grade work... his teacher is giving him 2nd grade homework, but he still has to do the 1st grade work in class. But according to his achievement testing, as well as his "grade level exam" he should be about halfway through 3rd grade.

She's ensuring there are no gaps. Because adding 2+2 is somehow likely to have a gap, even when you can add 3596+4989. I've given up temporarily because he's receiving full differentiation for reading... got to pick my battles!

Wow...that's scary that 2nd grade work is that simple as well. I don't know what level DS5 is at with math...maybe they will finish assessing him at some point. I would guess some things he is 3rd and some things 5th or above. It really depends. tonight's EM homework was "start a one and see how high you can count" My DS looks at me and says "I could count into the millions...I don't want to do that." so then he just wrote down 60 on the line, LOL. They also had to fill in missing numbers in the number grid from 1-10. I know that is first grade work...but I thought kids were supposed to all have differentiation. It's just frustrating. Mine does have differentiation for spelling...not so sure about reading. He told me that he met with the reading lady and that he was "done with reading" and that he doesn't need to see her for anything any more because he got the highest scores possible on her test. Hopefully they will do something for that.