Congratulations to all the New YSP families and Welcome!

((hugs)) to all the folks who got 'tell us more' - this isn't bad news - stay in the moment and persue!

((hugs and a crutch of choice)) to all the folks who got 'Thanks so very much' letters. If you haven't come out of lurkdome - start some new topics and pretend that we have enough collective wisdom that we will provide the support and info that you would have gotten in YSP. OK?

Back to the folks who are brand new, here's the Grinity To Do List!

1) As soon as you can log onto the private website, go to the directory and make a list of all the possible playdates for your family based on gender,age,interest,schooling-type, or whatever, and start sending out emails introducing yourself and asking if there are any local resources that you haven't found out about yet, and seeing if the other parents are intersted in setting up a playdate. Start with the shortest drive and work your way out. See if any DIGs are planned, or work with one of your new contacts to plan one. You may find that some families will met you halfway at a local attraction. This is what has made the biggest difference from my DS13, but then, we are very social people.

2) Join a few email lists - homeschooling if you are or thinking about it, classroom if you want a quieter list that focuses on sending our children to school, Twice Exceptional if you are interested or want a particularly kind and supportive bunch - they have seen it all! There may be a regional email list where folks alert each other to local goings-on, they are very nice. See if there are any 'DIG's coming soon and put them on your calander. Davidson Informal Gatherings=DIGs PGparenting is very busy, and you kind of never know how your post will hit.

Effective posts will have catchy topic lines, that start with words such as: 'Help' or 'Need Support' or 'So Frustrated' or 'So Weary.' Try to stick to your own experience, as we gifties can be very fact-orriented and opinionated. Don't let me scare you, be brave and introduce yourself.

When you can, take a look at the parent seminars and see if there are any you can sign up for. They are terrific.

I'm not sure what the email says, but I remember my Family Consultant setting up a time to talk to me and ask me 'how is everything going.' YSP has grown a lot since then, so you may have to pursue them.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at