DS6 was skipped in Jan this year in a new school and at their suggestion - it has taken him most of the 3 terms to date to make friends although at breaks he plays with anyone who will play with him and they range right across the age groups from 5-10. He still says he has no real friends and I guess that will always be a bit of a problem for him because he is just so different but his teacher tells me there are always children who want to be with him and he is much happier now than prior to the skip when he outright refused to go to school. I figure he is happier with the skip than not and the friend thing is just going to take time anyway.
I'd say it might be time to start developing a thick skin for the teacher's comments, if they see you wavering they'll find the chink in your armour and exploit it - stick to your instincts, I'm sure it will get better.