Ania, thanks. This is exactly what I'm thinking. For now, he doesn't seem to mind the repetition, it helps him with his speed, and he feels like a success. Quite frankly, they do so little, I have no idea how long they spend on math or reading, and I wonder if it would even be enough time to cover anything on a distance learning course. After vacation, however, I plan to re-assess the situation. My bigger concern is what happens next year and the year after. If he's lucky enough to be accepted into DYS, I expect it will get the school's attention. If not, it will be a huge struggle. But what I'm thinking would be best for him is exactly what you suggest - stay in the public school and when they do math, let him go on the computer and do his own math. It certainly won't be possible in this school district for him to sit in on a different grade's classes - they're clustered in different buildings a busride away. And all the private schools around here are handwriting centric. He has some catching up to do before he can re-enter that world. And believe me, he'd like nothing better than to be home schooled. The psychologist who evaluated him agreed. So maybe ultimately, he ends up with a half and half type situation.