I give you credit! The mere thought of it scares me! But, like you, being outside of the norm, I fear that I wouldn't be able to do it alone! I have thought about the courses like EPGY and what not, but have yet to take any.

Battling with the school administration is not an easy job, that's for sure. they look at you like you have 3 heads, they listen with complete poker faces, that you have no idea how you are being received, until they see their "official standardized results" come back, and in utter silence, without saying a word to you, they merely make some changes in your favor. I feel I have to choose my battles. I don't want to be too pushy and have them shut me out, but at the same time I feel every child has a right to LEARN and if you can't teach my kid anything, then something needs to change! Private school is burning a whole in my wallet too, so I guess we are both in the same boat. they always say, gifted kids are more expensive to raise! LOL!