Hi everyone! I just got my dd7's testing results back, and I'm wondering if I should proceed with a DYS application. The problem is that she was not given one of the DYS accepted achievement tests, so I don't know if she'd be accepted without giving her another test.

Does anyone have any advice? Here are her scores:


Similarities - 20 (ceiling and extended score)
Vocabulary - 20 (extended score)
Comprehension - 17 (ceiling)
Information - 18 (ceiling)
Word Reasoning - 14
Verbal Comprehension Index VCI - 155 (99.9 %)

Block Design - 14
Picture Concepts - 15
Matrix Reasoning - 17
Picture completion -11
Perceptual Reasoning Index PRI - 133 (99 %)

Digit Span - 16
Letter-number sequencing - 15
Arithmetic - 18
Working Memory index WMI - 132 (98%)

Coding - 9
Symbol Search - 13
Cancellation - 9
Processing Speed PS - 106 (66%)

FSIQ - 142 (99.7%)
GAI - 153 (99.9%)

Without extended scoring her VCI = 150+, FSI = 141+, GAI = 151+

Achievement test - Peabody Individual Achievement Test - Revised. She was tested as a 1st grader:

General Information - Grade 8.4, Standard Score 145+, Percentile 99+
Reading Recognition - 9.0, 145+, 99+
Reading Comprehension - 5.4, 136, 99+
Total Reading - 6.9, 145+, 99+

Mathematics - 5.1, 141, 99+
Spelling - 6.1, 140, 99+

Total Test - 6.3, 145+, 99+

Written expression she got a 9 out of a 1-9 stanine.

I appreciate any thoughts!