Originally Posted by BKD
There are things about it that we really like, but I'm getting a bad feeling that my reasonably strong views re equity of opportunity and ickiness of competitive schooling might not be in the best interests of my children.

I don't believe in use it or loose it - but I used to believe in 'public education.'

I was blessed to sit in a Deb Ruf lecture a few years back where she repeated: 'Do not put your child's needs 2nd to your social ideals' and 'your child is not a social experiment!' about 12 times. I really needed to hear that! She suggested that we egalitarian-types donate our time to help the kids in those schools, or work for change any way we can, but find schools were our children can get their needs met.

I found that really useful. And of course when I start feeling that I don't want my son subjected to all that social striving, I am also feeling that 'those people wouldn't like me anyways.' It was probably worth the 2 years of private school tuition to figure out that I didn't really like them-actually.


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