Hi Grinty

Thanks for the words of encouragement - I do hope that he is getting something from it, he is so so shy that it really is hard to judge what is going on in his wee head. I never really appreciated how parents at the other end of the scale must feel with their struggles. I guess I just assumed that all kids loved books as much as DS who would have me read and read until I was hoarse. When I read to this wee lad he is just not engaged at all. I'm going to try The Gruffalo this week, DS could not get enough, still can't when he's doing his 'baby' routine. Oh and DS never did shy unless it was a manipulation tactic so I'm not too sure how to tease the words out when I'm more used to trying to get DS to shut up, like that's possible ;)(had a whole 12 hours today of non stop questions! - now that's what I'm used to :))