So we have a little progress today. I met with his teacher and the first grade teacher who had him in pull out sessions last year. Next week after the holiday, they are going to start sending him to a highly recommended second grade teacher for pull out sessions in math and reading/language arts.
I spoke with the gifted teacher at length also this morning and I came away from that meeting nearly in tears. It is so disheartening to have the gifted teacher tell you that your kid deserves more, needs more, than he will ever receive at his present school.
I recently had a chance encounter with an admin from a local private school who pretty much told me there were no academic scholarships for private schools in our area for kids under 6th grade.
I'm so tired of feeling like I'm failing DS for not being able to provide better for him and also his sister. Heck, I'm thinking of starting my own support group for parents of gifted kids in our area because we've got no local resources as far as I can tell. How do you start a group with no resources though?
still frustrated...