DS6 has now been in 4th grade for 2 1/2 weeks. According to his teacher everything is going fine. But every morning when I drop him off, I have a knot in my stomach like i'm feeding him to the wolves. I've also noticed some dramatic changes in his language and interests. All of a sudden my meek, mild little boy wants to play soldier and "kill" the bad guys. He told his little brother that he would "kill him" if he didn't stay out of his stuff etc... You get the idea. He drew a skull and crossbones on the back of his math homework. So I've decided that he needs to come home. The problem is that it's just not possible for us to survive on one income.

The day after I made this decision, the preschool that my littles goes to announced that it's closing it's doors. The owner is retiring after 11 years. So...... I bought it!

As of September 1st, I officially own a preschool! The idea is that I can homeschool DS6 and still earn an income. Part of me is so excited to have figured out a solution and the other half is terrified! I'm keeping the staff, the director and everyone else so most of what I do is paperwork (hopefully).

I can't decide if i'm completely nuts or if this really will work. I only know that I want my "wimpy" kid back!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!