Sciencemama - I'm intrigued by your username! Are you a scientist by training?

The psych I consulted with about DS said that at some point, DS may tune out to such an extent that he starts to miss assignments, directions, instructions that time, we'll have to address his lack of enthusiasm for learning etc. I felt that the time was now before all those things started happening. I sent an enthusiastic, energetic, fun kid to K and after 2nd grade had a whiney, stomach-ache ridden, no enthusiasm for anything boy. It would take about 2-3weeks over the summer to get my fun loving, ready to learn, enthusiastic, stomach-ache-free boy back. Now kids deal w/ the very same situation quite differently but if you're seening an extended loss of love of learning/enthusiasm, I think that needs to be addressed now. I got the advice of "he'll have AP classes in high school." He was in 2nd grade at the time. I got "middle school is more challenging" again that was 4 YEARS away. What bad habits would be ingrained by that time?

I did a good bit of ASing....we did chemistry, physics, biology, fun math (not arithmetic) w/ living books but as DS got more discontent, and homework started dragging to 2hrs, there was simply no time for afterschooling.