Thanks everyone for the posts so far. The testers indicated that highly visual spatial kids often have problems with reading- can anyone post more about that connection?

kimck- Thanks for sharing. We are reading lots of complex stuff to her, chapter books and young adult books (appropriate) with almost no images at times. I think interest v. ability level might be an issue.

The vision problem they thought we should test for is not really with how well she sees but how the eye is processing the info. I think we will do it and will post back if they find anything. I know nothing about this really!

sdrothco- Thanks for the suggestion about computer programs. Her new school will be using starfall among other things. I have heard that computers are more friendly for visual spatial learners...she is already arguing with us now over the inconsistency in phonics! Montessori also lets them spell words as they sound...personally was never was a fan of that strategy because now we are having battles over how words are spelled.

The interesting thing is that DD loves to write words and make up her own words and rhymes. Hmmm....