Ya'll have brought a tear to my eye with all the wonderful, thought provoking responses! :-)

confused stated - "Fund of knowledge and "Whose" fund it comes from has been huge in criticism of testing in general.
I remember taking a test on street smarts or something in college to show us how bias can occur in test design."

This is exactly what I am thinking about. It definitely depends on "whose" fund a test has come from but that doesn't make that person any less/more intelligent if their fund isn't the same. I agree that linking what you know with other things is more of a sign of higher intellect.

I was watching a TV show the other night about a brilliant scientist and she said something and one of the other characters said in a facetious manner,"I didn't just hear that" and instead of the scientist getting what the other character meant, she repeated her sentence very slowly and very loudly so that the other character could "hear" her. Her FOK was not even what the average person's is in that instance but that didn't reduce her brilliance.

kcab - I know people just like the guy you are talking about. Brilliant but not using it in a positive manner. I also know many "street" smart people who I also think are very intelligent but just never had the opportunities in life that made education important for them. I guess maybe their intelligence is just diverted into other areas rather than academics for them.

Trinity, I will definitely have to look at your references - thanks! Now off to look for "Baggage". I gave a cursory look around and didn't see it but I will try again. :-)