Just a quick update...
I took my son to a vision therapist. He did 2 hours of testing. There is a problem with his vision. He is reading at a speed of 13th grade level, however his brain is turning on and off each eye rapidly. He is rarely able to use both eyes at the same time although he has perfect vision. When his brain changes eyes, it leaves gaps between letters in his writing, he misses words when copying things, and also when reading. I will get the full report on the 22nd, but it looks like his low processing speed is due in great deal to his eye problems. They gave him a test which had him see with his right eye the number 4 in line over a vertical dash, and his left eye saw a horizontal dash in line over a 2. If you see with both eyes it would look like 4 + 2 (vertically). However, he saw them separately and could not put the different dashes together to make a plus sign. Could be why he hates math worksheets, but is phenomenal in math as long as it is mental math. Things don't look like they should...maybe it is a minus sign, maybe it is a plus sign...columns don't line up.
Just thought I would update you in case anyone else has similar problems/test scores, with a child who has had strabismus/amblyopia issues.