Now that summer is here we thought we were "in the clear" with some of our daughter's issues....we were wrong.

A quick background: our now 6 y/o was diagnosed with "gifted hyperlexia"....tested out of 2nd grade (that's the highest they tested)

The other day, our almost 3 y/o brought me a book of US I would say them he'd repeat me.....and our daughter heard all this. She flipped out that he was smarter than her....cried...and pulled out FOUR different maps and began studying them....then the entire weekend beat herself up over the worry if he's smarter....ranted that she HAS to be the smartest...

She puts this pressure on herself that just blows are minds....I mean she's 6....besides reassuring her she's smart....that everyone is smart in their own way etc....I have to say I don't know how to help her deal with this. When school was in session we had a great child psychologist we were working with....I'll probably end up trying to contact her next week.

But has anyone dealt with this? I don't know what to do or say....and she won't let it go. I just hate seeing her pressure herself this way....

Again....I'm so happy to have this many who understand YAY!

