Oh Tammy!
Sorry to hear your daughters tummy is bothering her.
Here are some things that I have seen help:
1) Avoid Dairy for 2 weeks and see if that helps
2) Aviod Wheat products for 2 weeks and see if that helps
3) Add fiber wafers to diet, as directed on box for child's size and see if that helps, may take 1 month to see.

Obviously, do not try all the above at once!
Do not disobey the package ingredients.

If you still think it's medically based, ask for a referal to a pediatric gastroenterologist. I've seen many, many dear family members ignore their children's belly upsets because they do tend to be worse when stress comes - this doesn't mean that there isn't any physical thing going on.

4) If could be 100% gifted related, Overexcitabilities can include the over-attentiveness of inner neurons as well - for example:
4a) This could be totally normal, and a happy child who happens to be more aware of her inner workings.
4b) This could be the normal response to bullying, occuring in a gifted kid.
4c) This could be a totally miserable gifted kid who won't act out, so is errupting in other ways.
4d) This could be the occasionally miserable gifted kid who is doing some "curriculum compacting" on her own. If she's out of the classroom she gets to see a cheerful face, and when she gets back, so has a somewhat more interesting challenge, getting caught up.
4e) I think it's normal for some gifted kids to "poop out" during the day, and need a little break. This might be related to sleep troubles at night, or the "Hermoinie Granger Effect" - when a person seems to be living at double or triple intensity they can get tired at unusual times of the day.

My DS11 is a big fan of the nurse, even in summer camp! I think he sometimes needs the Adult conversation, but the fiber wafers, good classroom fit, and total devotion to sleep hygiene have really cut down on the visit frequency. I think this year it's only been once! Used to be every two weeks.


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