As I understand the rules in our area, they place a child according to testing results. I'm not sure, however, if that's the testing I gave my child or some testing the school administers before they place him. (I'd probably assume the latter...and I'd assume they'd expect 100% right or they'd place him pretty darn close to at-age-level.)
I have to ask, though: if your school's principal does stand in the way of a needed grade skip for your DD and you pull her out for homeschooling, why would you put her back in the same school?

We homeschool, and we have considered putting DS7 in a *different* school at some point in time, but when we realized that our local school wasn't going to be willing to meet his needs this year, we pretty much eliminated them as an option for the future, barring some major change in policy or administration.
Is there something I'm missing? Why would you send her back under the circumstances?