Well, I don't know where to begin with sharing what I learned. It was a really good meeting, and I learned an awful lot. I will probably have to do this in pieces since it is so long, but we'll see.
First, the main issues discussed were over/under identifying GTs in our rural/poor area. Some districts have been pretty much letting everyone in, and others have not been identifying those who really should be. Most districts are using Nnat, CoGat, KOI, and Torrents (sp?) to identify those eligible for services. But then the problem is that there are limited to no services actually available. Most of the school have about 2 kids per elementary/middle or high school who have been identified. So the admin does not see the justification for spending money on the kids who "will be fine" and don't need to be worried about.
Most schools are also just at the point of starting the paperwork for kids to get ALPS, and only those students from grade 3 and up. Most staff here do not know how to write ALPS and are pretty concerned that even when they are written they will not be used properly.
Most programs in the area are only an overnight trip somewhere cool once a year, and no other support during the school year ! There is great opposition from most local admin and teachers to doing anything special for gt kids becasue we have so many barely making it at the other end of the spectrum.
I was given a few great ideas for curriculum and websites that I'll put in the next post. (I have to go find those papers.)