My 2 1/2 yr old has started to do a little of this in the last few weeks and I noticed in the last few days it is more intense. DD is a very imaginative child and always talking for her animals and having them have conversations with changing voices for each one so i was not shocked when she started becoming the animal for periods of time. She will crawl around on the floor like a puppy and bark or some other non-domestic animal. But now we have some of what you described with the baby talk. If feels like she is making up her on language because she will string together some weird syllables and about a minute later she repeats it exact. It is a little frustrating to witness since she has a massive vocabulary and I feel like we are slipping into a strange phase. And then I read this thread and a light bulb goes off in my head ... we could possibly be headed down this path. Time will tell but thanks for posting the topic.