We just got the first three plus the Beginning Algebra Home Companion. I don't think GS9 really needed the Fractions & Decimals and Percents but I felt his school did too much hit & miss on teaching them so I wanted to be sure he had a good foundation. It drives me crazy when people have no concept of how decimals, percents, & fractions relate to each other!

Besides, I heard they were so entertaining I didn't think he'd be bored to tears reviewing them. Last night he sat down to look at them and was almost squealing with delight. He read the first 6 chapters in Fractions, laughing about Fred. He looked up to check the time, saw he was missing the Simpsons and went back to the book. The books are that good!

I've got a niece in college who is struggling with her algebra. She already dropped it once and will have to take it later. I'll let her borrow the Beginning Algebra, I think it will be just the thing to prep her for College Algebra.

Oh, GS9 is soooo impressed that he got signed copies of the books!