marieg- I have a dd10 who is in gifted 5th grade classroom and is finishing 6th grade math currently. Last year she did a similar skip like what you are planning. She is not a math genius as science and LA are her strengths. It really helped her when we went over some general concepts beforehand as she is not intuitive with math. But when I showed her something once, she was good to go. I wonder if this is similar with your dd?
Also, this year the school tested her on 5th grade achievement for middle school math placement next year. Since she skipped 5th grade math, she did not do very well on the test. Her teacher and gifted coordinator took that into consideration and she was placed in pre-algebra anyway. Their reasoning was that she is doing well in 6th grade math and is motivated to work hard. I hope your school can also look at the "big picture" and fill in gaps in knowledge instead of slowing down her progress.